Labs Announces Grants for School Safety Improvements, Mental Health Support Awarded to School Districts
May 16, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Shelby Labs (R-Bucks) today announced that multiple school districts across the 143rd District received grant money from the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) to improve safety, security and mental health support.
“One of the issues I have prioritized since coming to Harrisburg is school safety,” said Labs. “As a mother of two young children, I know how important it is to feel that your children are safe and happy in school. This grant money will help districts in the 143rd achieve that goal and make school life better for both students and parents.”
The SSSC collectively approved $155 million in federal and state school safety funding, appropriated in the FY 2023-24 budget, under the following solicitations:
• Noncompetitive School Mental Health Grants: $90 million grant program for school districts, charter schools, area career and technical centers, and intermediate units to support school-based mental health and behavioral health supports, including counselors and resources for students.
• Formula-Based School Safety and Security Meritorious Grants: $18.6 million grant program provided to all Pennsylvania school districts for physical security enhancements and/or mental/behavioral health needs.
• Competitive School Safety and Security Grants: $32.2 million grant program for eligible school entity applicants as well as municipalities, law enforcement agencies, and approved vendors to support physical security improvements, behavioral health resources, and school security personnel needs.
• Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools: $14.5 million grant program to support programs addressing school violence and improving school safety and security through grants to Intermediate Units (IUs) and approved vendors on behalf of nonpublic schools.
The districts and technical schools that received funding are:
-Middle Bucks Institute of Technology received $70,000 from the Mental Health Grants.
-Upper Bucks CTC received $70,000 from the Mental Health Grants.
-Central Bucks School District received $358,207, with $45,000 coming from the Safety and Security Meritorious Grants and $313,207 coming from the Mental Health Grants.
-Palisades School District received $152,970, with $35,000 coming from the Safety and Security Meritorious Grants and $117,970 coming from the Mental Health Grants.
-Pennridge School District received $677,192, with $45,000 coming from the Safety and Security Meritorious Grants; $182,192 coming from the Mental Health Grants; and $450,000 coming from the Competitive School Safety and Security Grants.
-North Penn School District received $305,659, with $45,000 coming from the Safety and Security Meritorious Grants and $260,659 coming from the Mental Health Grants.
Representative Shelby Labs
143rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski /
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